Tech Flooring Services is a comprehensive resource to assist anyone having a flooring problem. We work with retailers, installers, manufacturer claims analyst, designers, attorney's, builders and consumers when a flooring failure arises and a 3rd party is needed to help with resolving an issue. We also perform repairs, perform color correction, perform moisture testing in accordance with ASTM Standards as well as teach classes for salespeople and installers. We are based out of Conway, South Carolina and service the states of North & South Carolina. We also have an office located in Ferguson, North Carolina that we work from.

The staff of Tech Flooring Services consist of Ricky & Eric Bunker (A father and son team). Ricky (the father) entered the flooring industry in 1979 as a manufacturer's representative in the carpet industry. At that particular time in the industry the sales reps inspected their own product complaints and even though he worked for a carpet manufacturer, like most salespeople, knew little about the technical element of the industry. After constantly getting frustrated with looking at consumer and dealer complaints he didn't know the cause of, he began searching for schools that taught the technical side of the product. After attending many technical classes he soon became more interested in the technical side of the industry than the sales. Since that point he has attended schools over the years and created a long list of industry certifications which are listed in the Curriculum Vitae section of this website.

Eric (the son) was raised in the flooring business, working in a retail store while in school and working in the installation side of the business during the summer months. After graduating from school he went immediately into the business running his own installation business for 5 years. He too became interested in the technical side of the business and began his certification process. He has been inspecting full time since March 1, 2011. Not only does he bring to Tech Flooring Services the knowledge of installation but has accomplished some highly recognized certifications himself, which are listed in Eric's Curriculum Vitae of this website.

It is our goal to approach every inspection unbiased. Our focus and conclusion is based on the factual information taken from the inspection site and in many cases the forensic data collected. Conclusions are not based on opinions but on flooring manufacturer, industry and installation standards.

Flooring Problems?
We can help!
Call or Connect Today!

Ricky Bunker

Eric Bunker
